You forgot about "Young Indiana Jones" series. That being said even Harrison Ford forgot about Indiana Jones. I think the Crystal Skull was the nail in the coffin and I prefer all the "Romancing the Stones" Romantic horror treasure hunter adventure series.
Indiana Jones was okay for the born-again-Christian group. Like my dad loved the living-day-lights out of the series. We would watch that together and all.
However to know the History behind the propaganda Indie presented us is to know how disruptive
to creativity the entire series was.
1. Indiana Jones gave us the Rated-PG rating. Basically an Rated-R movie meant for parents to inform children while being perfectly safe asides the lame Rated-G by Disney. You wanted perfection you have to see "Total Recall" 198X, you wanted perfection with a Baby on Board you go down Indie street.
2. Too many videogames used the font for their works, Yes great idea of the time but many it is over-played. It basically was a "let the show go on, with a hint of action". "Howard the Duck" partly used it as well.
3. "Call of the Beast" the video series literally dressed up the main character as Indiana Jones. That is why the game failed.
4. It also affected the way Pitfall character looked a lot Like Indie. Especially the 16-bit sequel.
5. Godzilla 1985 ... that one scene that is straight out of Indiana Jones.
6. Megaman Legends..kinda ripped-off the boulder scene as well. However we could even point to "Cream-Lemon" and a couple of other series.
7. Bomberman dressed up as Indie via his western GB games.
Indiana Jones was a mistake. It is like how Tiny-Toons was a mistake but at least we got Animaniacs ( the original not the reboot ).
Booyakasha wrote: ↑Mon Jan 03, 2022 2:22 am
Anyone who hates Short Round is no son of mine. Short Round is a great sidekick. You want a crappy child sidekick, you need to go watch 'Terminator 2'
"Terminator 2" was not about him being the side-kick he was the main character. The Terminator was his bodyguard and the closest thing he had to a father. Short Round was literally me and you from that generation of children. I mean literally he was the father and son mentality. Yes he was a great side-kick in a world where men kept their pants zipped up.
I will admit funny ha ha now that I am old enough to actually understand the dialog. But honestly we watched those movies for the action sequences. Seeing Indie and SR have a father and son moment while some random girl is running around screaming like a comedic figure was for the parents to laugh at... silly lady.
What actress?
Also remember without Terminator 2 we would never have this.