Family Matters

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Family Matters


Post by Bad Dragonite » Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:56 pm

Cousin lost her baby while her hubby's in rehab, her mom is getting divorced, other cousin was just diagnosed with flesh eating disease, grandma is in the hospital after another (thankfully light) heart attack, other cousin still not talking to my mom after a big drama, other cousin in juvey and his (divorced) parents dont know if they want to get him out, one just doen't want him around anymore, and the other's wife can't have kids of her own so she just doesn't want him around (it's his aunt, my cousin who has the flesh eating sickness btw), other cousin just arrested for drunk driving recently, bills are stacking up, woman my mom was watching for a living just died recently (but still has work lined up from her boss), other aunt and uncle are separated, and it's been raining today, which is good/bad. good cause rains cool, bad cause it'll maybe be a bad storm.

So yeah that's about it I think, may think of more later.
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Post by RinkuTheFirst » Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:50 pm

Sorry to hear all that. Hopefully things will get better with your family.

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Post by DarkZero » Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:45 am

shane nuked my best posts

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Post by Jere » Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:19 pm

Damn that is some mess you got there, Don't worry mate it will get better Keep breathing.
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Post by Wicked Witch of the Crest » Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:32 pm

Sorry to hear all that, VGFian. I hope things get better. :)
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Post by Deepfake » Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:50 am

You've gotten a raw deal, gotta agree. Best of luck, wishes, and other good things. Maybe even some real good things. Any positive news recently in your life? It helps to remind yourself it's not all bad.
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Post by Bad Dragonite » Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:54 pm

^I'm trying.


Cousin with flesh eating disease? Much better. Which is good.


So the cousin who miscarried? they were twins. Also, she got a bleeding disorder from this somehow. Now she's possibly dying. The hospital she went to, being the caring physicians they were, wouldn't treat her for her lack of insurance. She came by to borrow money for gas to go to another town's hospital. Shje could barely stand when she came by.

And her mom and stepdad getting a divorce? They were together for a while still while my aunt was looking for a new house. She borrowed, literally, a few dollars from her husband's account and he beat the crap out of her last night for it (presumably around the same time my cousin came by getting gas money) and gave her a concussion. Their eldest son (RJ (I'm using the word "eldest " loosely, as he is about 10 or 11 years old)) grabbed a baseball bat and proceeded to use it to get his father off of his mother. Then his father punched him out via his fist to the kid's face. (Random fact, this man has had a history of beating his wife)

He went to jail last night, but according to my aunt, her brother, my other uncle (the (crazy ass) one that evicted my family years ago and everyone on here told me to call the cops on him for how he was acting who also moved to this town that we moved back to if you remember) was going to get him out of jail today. (they've been working together recently (random fact, the idea of them divorcing and my step uncle beating his wife again happened around the same time that they started working together which doesn't strike me as coincidence or actually surprise me at all.))

My mom told her her and the kids are staying here tonight. She said she may have to track my aunt down and that cops were heading to area where they live earlier which has her worried.

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Post by RinkuTheFirst » Fri Aug 10, 2012 5:29 pm

It's good that your cousin with the flesh-eating disorder is better. Hopefully your cousin without insurance will be able to get treatment. It's a tragedy that her situation is possible in this country.

Sorry your step uncle is absolutely bonkers and that your other uncle is an ass too. If it makes you feel any better, they'll probably both screw up before too long and land both of their asses in jail, with no one to bail them out.

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Post by Bad Dragonite » Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:26 am

Update: August 12th

Well, step uncle's family is rich, so that probably won't happen.

Cousin seems to be getting a little better, but may have another deadly sex related disease that doesn't really rhymes with "he pet titus' sea" that she made me promise not to tell anyone about, but since this is mostly kind of anonymous I figure it's fine.. She came over the other night high on what i assume may be zannex (since she asked for them a lot) and was complaining about her husband the day after. When my mom said her husband wasn't allowed back over because she didn't want any of the drugs or anything around, cousin got mad at her. So now that's going on. Along with that, cousin and her step dad's sis keep stressing my aunt out more than she needs to be.
My aunt showed me her bruises, she's cut up and bruised all over, including her back, face, foot, arms, and legs.

She and her sons are moved in with us right now. The kids' dad isn't allowed to come in contact with them for about a month until the court date.

Grandma's back in the hospital, this time with chronic heart failure and fluid filling her lungs. She's on a 100% oxygen treatment. At the moment doctors say she isn't mortally in danger from it, but I'm taking that to mean "We're keeping her alive for now."

Other than that it's oddly enough been a pretty good day/week.

Thanks for your time in reading this. Hope you have/had a great day yourself.


Update today. Okay, so last night (or two nights ago technically, whatever, my cousin who had the miscarriage got arrested for prostitution.
Her husband was Arrested for pimping.
He was let go because of of his snitchiness.
I was pissed at my cousin and at the law system when I found out.

Also, her mom is staying home again. Seems like she may be getting back with her husband (who did in fact get out)... AGAIN. -_- *facepalm*

I get that most abuse victims blame themselves for their abuse, but she doen't. She knows that it's him, his fault, and she blames him and not herself. So wtf.

You could argue that she's doing it for the kids, but then I'd say "No" She's not. He f*cking traumatized them. I'm not exaggerating either. They have trouble sleeping and have nightmares about it. Their oldest son, the one who got the bat, went with her when she went to see her husband the other night. (Note: They aren't supposed to be in contact with each other, and he isn't supposed to be in contact with the kids AT ALL until their court date) not because he wanted to see his dad, but becuse he didn't want his mom to go alone for fear that his dad might do something to her.

On good news:

Grandma's out of the hospital and doing much better, gf and I are talking more again, miner cousin who was in juvey got out, and another cousin of mine (His other aunt just got out of prison on parole and seems like they're straightened up. I saw the last two today and they seem to be doing good. :)
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Post by Tyler » Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:06 am

Gee, this all really sucks, VGFian. It's good to know some things are improving.

^Also, my dad wasn't the friendliest to my mom either. He always yelled at her. They divorced, and luckily, nothing ever got physical.

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Post by Bad Dragonite » Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:25 am

^Same with my mom and dad, just they divorced after he got physical, dad came home drunk one night and my mom made us g in our room, and mom was in the hospital with a dislocated jaw. After we left, he followed us alot. He also took out life insurance policies on me and mom, but not my sis interestingly enough. (Backstory,: he's a paranoid schizophrenic who literally is crazy for money) And some odd "coincidences happened, but we always just barely missed those coincidences, and so nothing bad happened. So yay. Anyway, he left, and blah blah.
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Post by Bad Dragonite » Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:47 am

I just found out that my grandma died...

She was just starting to get better... She had been staying with my uncle and at hospitals so much, but this was the first time she was back in her own house and room for months, and she died. My uncle said it was in her sleep...

I was supposed to go see her the other day. but i didnt..
ik wanted to , i was just tired..
i shouldve gone to see her
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Post by smol Kat » Sat Aug 18, 2012 2:57 pm

I'm so sorry about your grandma :(

and all that other stuff too.
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Post by Tyler » Mon Aug 20, 2012 12:36 am

Vgfian wrote:^Same with my mom and dad, just they divorced after he got physical, dad came home drunk one night and my mom made us g in our room, and mom was in the hospital with a dislocated jaw. After we left, he followed us alot. He also took out life insurance policies on me and mom, but not my sis interestingly enough. (Backstory,: he's a paranoid schizophrenic who literally is crazy for money) And some odd "coincidences happened, but we always just barely missed those coincidences, and so nothing bad happened. So yay. Anyway, he left, and blah blah.
Gosh man, I really feel sorry about your grandma.

My dad was drunk on the last day he was in our house (before he moved out) and began to yell at my mom for no reason, at 3 in the morning.

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Post by Bad Dragonite » Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:42 pm

Funeral tomorrow, then burial in a town across the state Thursday.
FlipSwitch wrote:Gosh man, I really feel sorry about your grandma.

My dad was drunk on the last day he was in our house (before he moved out) and began to yell at my mom for no reason, at 3 in the morning.
When he left he tried to poison some of his other kids against me by telling them he couldn't see them because of me, just to see how it went.
To this day there's one of my half siblings, from what I know at least, who hates my guts/hasn't ever met me.

Otherwise, it's prolly better off that mine left. He always tried his best to get me angry/ to get me to dislike or hate myself (Something he did himself when he was younger, he's an anorexic and never eats, he used to live off of vitamins and water because he didn't want to be big I guess.)

He was also a chemist, like high profile, which sounds cool, but he was also a druggy. He got one of my half brothers into it and they used to use as bonding. (From what I can see, my half bro is clean now though.)
So if he had stayed around, chances are I'd be dead or screwed up at least just as bad as he is.
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Post by Tyler » Tue Aug 21, 2012 10:49 pm

^That really sucks man. Hopefully things'll get better.

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Post by The Flattest Pancake » Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:57 am

We wish you well, Vgfian. Sorry to hear about everything that's been happening. Hopefully things get better.
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Post by Bad Dragonite » Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:20 pm

Thanks you, everybody for your encouragement. It really means alot, and I don't point that out enough...
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Post by Bad Dragonite » Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:28 am

As a couple of you know, my grandma died a couple months ago (six days after my birthday).
Well, everyone was wondering what was going to happen to her house. (Grandma had always said she wanted my youngest aunt to get it because when they first moved here, my aunt was still a teen and living in the house too with grandma)
Well, my second oldest Uncle, the one everybody trusted more than anyone, who had been staying with my grandma after the three years we did, took out a reverse mortgage after secretly finishing up the payments (which were being paid by a monthly check my gma go that also covered her basic needs) before she died and RE SOLD HER HOUSE TO THE BANK WITHOUT TELLING ANYONE AFTER THE [strike]YEARS[/strike] DECADES SHE HAD SPENT PAYING IT OFF AND BEFORE SHE HAD DIED. So, out of that, my uncle and his fam got 40,000 US dollars or more. This while a few of my family members and their fams (this includes my youngest aunt) are hurting desperately for money and or need a effing house to move too. Some are thinking of bringing it to court, because we don't think he actually had power of attorney. My uncle married to my oldest aunt gave my other uncle a few words about what he though, then my oldest uncle fired my other uncle's son (his nephew) while he's desperate for work. Note that all of this happened, and my uncle claimed they were using the money to take care of my grandma, but as I said earlier, she was getting a check in to take care of that and had health insurance. Saddest is for a year or two she didn't even stay in her own house, my uncle kept her at his trailer with his fam. Uncle's daughter and son in law were allowed to live in the house while the son in law didn't even work at all. The first time grandma had FINALLY got to stay back in her house, she died in her sleep...

I found that out a couple of weeks ago.

Yesterday I found this out:
My youngest aunt who nobody had told, decided to look into what happened to the house and she found that out first, but then she found out that grandma had a $50,000 life insurance policy. She had signed my uncle who sold the house as the beneficiary so that he would distribute it evenly to the family.
He didn't tell anybody about it and kept it all for his fam alone. So yeah he did pretty friggin good for himself. at the expense of everyone else in the fam.
Plus, part of his "Entitlement" to the money is that they kept care of her for three years about, but at the same time, WE did too, and other people in my fam offered to as well and in fact were going to but then my uncle told them no and that he would.
So yeah, I can't help but feel he planned all this from the beginning.

This is all after while my grandma was alive, they cut down her prized gardens *she wouldn't even let us even touch or get near her gardens as kids for perspective* She was very proud of them. That said, the moment my uncle and his fam moved in they cut those away, and her trees, and either threw out my grandma's stuff took and kept her stuff that they liked at their house.
Only a few bits didn't, like the pictures my grandma had said my other crazy uncle could have, and whatever my grandma had already given away at that point.
Even then, alot of her pictures got taken down. Not all but alot.
I didn't even get to see her or her house one last time before saying goodbye. I loved my grandma, and alot of my years growing up were spent living in that house with her... :(

In fact, I lived in there for the first few years I started on vgf, and even before that.
I just don't know what to think anymore... I don't know if I can really trust anybody at all anymore...
Keep in mind, my uncle this time wasn't one I didn't know very well, I thought the world of this uncle, heck, alot of people did, and I'm sure people who don't know about this still do...
Idk.. I just don't know...

EEDIT again: Turns out my uncle also took out ANOTHER life insurance policy (This time for $100,000) on Grandma before shhe died.
-I'm Vgfian

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