Campus Parking is an oxymoron anyways.
So anyways, some idiot in the parking management at college thought it'd be a nice idea to turn a parking lot that was reserved for faculty members into a fracking "Pay by the hour"-to park lot. They're not going to pay by the hour - they already have to pay to get a faculty parking permit! So what happens when they can't park in a lot reserved for them? They flood the student lots - meaning now we're stuck circling the lot hoping someone leaves or that there's a small spot open.
And to those guys with an "A" permit parking in the "Z" lots...we know you paid at least $500 for that. Rub it in our faces by taking our parking spots, when your lots are literally half full, why don't you? If you really like these spots better, I'll gladly trade permits with you! I'll gladly take the spot right next to the building.
And to the SUV who parked across three spaces: Called campus parking for you - Dude, consider this an act of goodwill. When you park across three spaces, you're essentially putting a "Key me" sign in every one of your windows - If you don't want your baby to get scratched, don't park in a way that'll invite angry students to key your car.
Campus Parking (Ventilation on.)
Moderator: Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds