I have new respect for my sister.
Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:38 pm
Last week was Parent Teacher Night - and let's observe some of the gems, as well as some school stories from her students.
Student was out for a month because of Lyme Disease. Fair enough. However, they didn't seem to realize that when you miss an entire month of school, you have to make up the work you missed. They were told, despite being reminded SEVERAL TIMES, that they had to do this - but they were utterly convinced that they could just relax. -.-;
Sis set up a little system where she will allow you to receive full credit on a tardy assignment (That isn't excused) - if you turn in a pass. You only get two per semester - that's it, no earning additional "Late Passes". However... a student turned in an assignment late and didn't have a late pass. He then got into a little fight with her and concluded that it wasn't his job to keep track of those, it's her job. Yeah, you know how I somehow have an ability to keep a straight face at some of my customers who try to tell us that the Cherry Coke is broken when they're pressing a button clearly marked DIET coke? Yeah, it's hereditary - my dad has that trait as well and passed it down to the both of us.
One girl is a junior. She announced that she was going to commit public suicide during her lunch period - and tried to do it by trying to eat a handful of tums. One at a time. Somehow it's my sister's fault for "not seeing the signs".
Sister asks students to write an essay. She gives one student a "zero". Why did she give them a zero? Because it was photocopied from the students' friend's big brother who had the same assignment last year. The best part about this plaigirism is that they didn't even bother to remove the handwritten comments from my sister before photocopying it. The parent comes in and yells at her for giving his "precious child" a zero for an assignment. The student had told the parent that even though the teacher gave her an 89, she then rearranged it to a "zero" and showed the photocopied handwritten comments. This despite the fact that my sister pointed out that apparently, the student's name had changed. -_-; If it makes you feel any better, this is her general class, rather than an AP class.
Several students have decided that AP is "too much work" for them. Guys? This is AP - it's not going to be "easy". Who on earth told you that AP would be "Easy"? Of course all these guys care about is getting enough good grades to get into college. (to be fair I kinda see what they mean - our system is so broken you have to be in dozens of extracurricular activities and a near perfect SAT/ACT score unless your parents went to that university to get in and you could bypass that crap, who has timefor anything like learning?)
Parent asks for their kid to be excused from a unit about the French and Indian war. Why? That "Triggers" them. Yes. She was told that by an actual parent. What is their students trigger? French. FRENCH. They can't hear anything French, can't learn about French people, can't learn about french things, can't see french things, anything related to the French and they'll have a psychotic episode, according to their parents. Aye yi yi...
Another parent asks for their kid to be excused from the same unit. Now why's that? Because they dont' want their kid learning about "Redskins", because they don't feel that "Timber N****rs contributed anything to American history". WHAT THE FLUX CAPACITATOR?!
Another recurring theme are parents who are mad that their kids are bringing home "F"s. Becuase they're not doing their homework and aren't doing any studying at all - and wow, how dare she hold the kids accountable for their own actions?
The worst bully in my sister's school is a kid who is gay. Of course, despite this, he carries around Sports illustrated swimsuit magazines, hits on a lot of girls, and has been sen at homecoming making out with a girl. The second someone says something he doesn't like or they fall for his little provokings, he's so gay the very sight of a woman repulses him. And because they bullied a gay student, now he is instantly forgiven for whatever the hell he did and the people he bullied are dragged away to ISS because "Homophobia is not okay". When my sister spoke to his parents about their son, they were legit shocked that he's been going around telling people he's gay - because they constantly catch him looking up porn of women on the internet and are constantly taking viruses off of their computer.
One student has heard about what this gay student did and decided to instead go a different route - he's named Mike, but some days of the week, he is called 'Mikayla' and is claiming to be transgender. The only reason my sister suspects he's doing it to get attention is because the days he's called 'Mikayla' are the days he's caught punching students and slamming them against lockers and when asked why s/he did that, s/he responds that they were trying to beat him/her up for being transgender. Parents hear this at PTN and are, surprise surprise, shocked. Because Mike doesn't mention anything about not feeling comfortable as a male OR that they are beating him up because he wants to be female.
Another parent took one look at my sister and flat out refused to speak to her because she was wearing pants. The only woman he'd speak to was the principal because she was wearing a dress. He said "I don't like crossdressers." Now, you want to know what's impressive? His son has a 98% in her class an is one of the most open minded people in school. HOW does this kid come out of this guys' house?
Student was out for a month because of Lyme Disease. Fair enough. However, they didn't seem to realize that when you miss an entire month of school, you have to make up the work you missed. They were told, despite being reminded SEVERAL TIMES, that they had to do this - but they were utterly convinced that they could just relax. -.-;
Sis set up a little system where she will allow you to receive full credit on a tardy assignment (That isn't excused) - if you turn in a pass. You only get two per semester - that's it, no earning additional "Late Passes". However... a student turned in an assignment late and didn't have a late pass. He then got into a little fight with her and concluded that it wasn't his job to keep track of those, it's her job. Yeah, you know how I somehow have an ability to keep a straight face at some of my customers who try to tell us that the Cherry Coke is broken when they're pressing a button clearly marked DIET coke? Yeah, it's hereditary - my dad has that trait as well and passed it down to the both of us.
One girl is a junior. She announced that she was going to commit public suicide during her lunch period - and tried to do it by trying to eat a handful of tums. One at a time. Somehow it's my sister's fault for "not seeing the signs".
Sister asks students to write an essay. She gives one student a "zero". Why did she give them a zero? Because it was photocopied from the students' friend's big brother who had the same assignment last year. The best part about this plaigirism is that they didn't even bother to remove the handwritten comments from my sister before photocopying it. The parent comes in and yells at her for giving his "precious child" a zero for an assignment. The student had told the parent that even though the teacher gave her an 89, she then rearranged it to a "zero" and showed the photocopied handwritten comments. This despite the fact that my sister pointed out that apparently, the student's name had changed. -_-; If it makes you feel any better, this is her general class, rather than an AP class.
Several students have decided that AP is "too much work" for them. Guys? This is AP - it's not going to be "easy". Who on earth told you that AP would be "Easy"? Of course all these guys care about is getting enough good grades to get into college. (to be fair I kinda see what they mean - our system is so broken you have to be in dozens of extracurricular activities and a near perfect SAT/ACT score unless your parents went to that university to get in and you could bypass that crap, who has timefor anything like learning?)
Parent asks for their kid to be excused from a unit about the French and Indian war. Why? That "Triggers" them. Yes. She was told that by an actual parent. What is their students trigger? French. FRENCH. They can't hear anything French, can't learn about French people, can't learn about french things, can't see french things, anything related to the French and they'll have a psychotic episode, according to their parents. Aye yi yi...
Another parent asks for their kid to be excused from the same unit. Now why's that? Because they dont' want their kid learning about "Redskins", because they don't feel that "Timber N****rs contributed anything to American history". WHAT THE FLUX CAPACITATOR?!
Another recurring theme are parents who are mad that their kids are bringing home "F"s. Becuase they're not doing their homework and aren't doing any studying at all - and wow, how dare she hold the kids accountable for their own actions?
The worst bully in my sister's school is a kid who is gay. Of course, despite this, he carries around Sports illustrated swimsuit magazines, hits on a lot of girls, and has been sen at homecoming making out with a girl. The second someone says something he doesn't like or they fall for his little provokings, he's so gay the very sight of a woman repulses him. And because they bullied a gay student, now he is instantly forgiven for whatever the hell he did and the people he bullied are dragged away to ISS because "Homophobia is not okay". When my sister spoke to his parents about their son, they were legit shocked that he's been going around telling people he's gay - because they constantly catch him looking up porn of women on the internet and are constantly taking viruses off of their computer.
One student has heard about what this gay student did and decided to instead go a different route - he's named Mike, but some days of the week, he is called 'Mikayla' and is claiming to be transgender. The only reason my sister suspects he's doing it to get attention is because the days he's called 'Mikayla' are the days he's caught punching students and slamming them against lockers and when asked why s/he did that, s/he responds that they were trying to beat him/her up for being transgender. Parents hear this at PTN and are, surprise surprise, shocked. Because Mike doesn't mention anything about not feeling comfortable as a male OR that they are beating him up because he wants to be female.
Another parent took one look at my sister and flat out refused to speak to her because she was wearing pants. The only woman he'd speak to was the principal because she was wearing a dress. He said "I don't like crossdressers." Now, you want to know what's impressive? His son has a 98% in her class an is one of the most open minded people in school. HOW does this kid come out of this guys' house?