I have a feeling she's being set up for a large disappointment.
Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 1:57 am
So, my sister's boyfriend has a stepsister who is about 17-18 and is going to graduate... either this year or next year.
Her mom came to the U.S. in like the late 70s - early 80s and went to school in California for pretty cheap - and she admittedly used her own nationality and race to get in, get scholarships, and get work-study jobs so she practically go to go for free.
Thing is, her mom from what I know of her (and I have met the woman and heard her say some of these things when I'm right next to her) is... a bit like this
http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploa ... uition.jpg
[whoa page stretcher]
In some ways she's a bit of a bad influence on her daughter. She's sort of stuck in the 70s and 80s and is going "omg why is everything so expensive when I was in college we had gas for $1.30 a gallon. When I was in college I had a work-study job that paid tuition." She teaches her daughter to use her race, gender, status [child of a single mother who is a Korean immigrant] as a weapon because if the schools don't accept her then they'll be sexist and racist - so because of that, her daughter is trying to get into all the fine schools in the country. You know, Princeton, Harvard, Yale, that sort of stuff.
I know her grades are good, but she doesn't seem to understand that these places will require an SAT score to get in - a very high one at that. Where I live, students don't take the SAT - you have to take it on your own time. Apparently it's a western thing, because a lot of universities this part don't require an SAT, and instead will accept your ACT score. Not only that, but it's VERY hard to get into these universities, and a lot of them flat out REQUIRE you to have a major already decided. She also doesn't seem to realize that well, times have changed, and these universities are bloody EXPENSIVE.
I'm not alone in this - my sister, her boyfriend, bf's youngest brother, and his aunt really think that her mom is giving her some of the wrong ideas. >.<; We know she means well, but she is almost painfully unaware of how the world works now, especially when it comes to money.
Thing is everyone's also too afraid to tell her, because she won't listen, or if she does she'll just ignore it and her mom will tell her "Oh no THIS is how it works."
Her mom came to the U.S. in like the late 70s - early 80s and went to school in California for pretty cheap - and she admittedly used her own nationality and race to get in, get scholarships, and get work-study jobs so she practically go to go for free.
Thing is, her mom from what I know of her (and I have met the woman and heard her say some of these things when I'm right next to her) is... a bit like this
http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploa ... uition.jpg
[whoa page stretcher]
In some ways she's a bit of a bad influence on her daughter. She's sort of stuck in the 70s and 80s and is going "omg why is everything so expensive when I was in college we had gas for $1.30 a gallon. When I was in college I had a work-study job that paid tuition." She teaches her daughter to use her race, gender, status [child of a single mother who is a Korean immigrant] as a weapon because if the schools don't accept her then they'll be sexist and racist - so because of that, her daughter is trying to get into all the fine schools in the country. You know, Princeton, Harvard, Yale, that sort of stuff.
I know her grades are good, but she doesn't seem to understand that these places will require an SAT score to get in - a very high one at that. Where I live, students don't take the SAT - you have to take it on your own time. Apparently it's a western thing, because a lot of universities this part don't require an SAT, and instead will accept your ACT score. Not only that, but it's VERY hard to get into these universities, and a lot of them flat out REQUIRE you to have a major already decided. She also doesn't seem to realize that well, times have changed, and these universities are bloody EXPENSIVE.
I'm not alone in this - my sister, her boyfriend, bf's youngest brother, and his aunt really think that her mom is giving her some of the wrong ideas. >.<; We know she means well, but she is almost painfully unaware of how the world works now, especially when it comes to money.
Thing is everyone's also too afraid to tell her, because she won't listen, or if she does she'll just ignore it and her mom will tell her "Oh no THIS is how it works."