A Knight's Torment -- Counseling Request

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b l a n k
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A Knight's Torment -- Counseling Request


Post by b l a n k » Sun May 05, 2013 5:49 pm

It's been a couple months since I left the last forum whose name shall not be spoken, and though I'm having a pretty good time here, I'm still haunted by memories of the last guys insulting me constantly and not feeling any guilt for it. They have no manners on that forum. They basically told me my written work is the antichrist, and they insulted me even when I didn't want to talk about my screenwriting, knowing that their rehashing the drama I wanted to leave behind would make me angry.

They insisted constantly that they knew what Nintendo would want for a Mario movie in the future based on some ridiculous articles they'd read but refused to show me (I'm starting to doubt those articles' existence). I knew that, at that point, they'd forgotten that Nintendo is a corporation. Corporations must be dynamic and evolving, they must change their policies over time to suit society's ever-changing needs, or else, they die. Who knows what the future will look like? They don't, nor do I, but they certainly think they do. And they certainly demanded that I write what they wanted to read, which goes against every screenwriter's credo: don't write someone else's story.

It all seemed strange. They were all hypnotized by who knows what into thinking that there's only one right way to do a Mario movie: a plotless "absurdist comedy" that just follows a day-in-the-life-of-Mario or something. Does anyone else besides me see how painfully generic that would be? What's wrong with creating a uniquely cinematic experience? After all, translating video games into films isn't as easy as putting a generic game on the screen, which is how easy they think it is.

Anyway, anyone who disagrees with their opinions is punished accordingly and endlessly until the disagreers are finally banned. You know what that is? COMMUNISM.

Worst of all, when I civilly protested their abusing me needlessly, standing up for my God-given right to post without getting insulted for my written work, did the oppressors (they) get banned? No, the oppressed (I) was banned.

And they continue to feast on those who disagree with them. One time, a guy expressed how much he hates Pokémon (IRHP, this may interest you), and my archenemy, whose name shall not be spoken, insulted him for it. No free thought is tolerated on that site. They don't like any original idea about the Mario franchise that doesn't come from Nintendo.

I wish I could go back and point out that my archenemy did implicitly say many positive things about himself, even though he claims otherwise (way to play the innocent card). For instance, when I asked him a question about a game's release date, he asked me if I thought he would make a mistake like that. That pretty much screams, "WHO ARE THOU THAT THOU WOULDST DARE QUESTION MY VASTLY SUPERIOR AND INFINITE KNOWLEDGE OF VIDEO GAMES, THOU LESSER BEING!?!?!? :mad: " But I know that, the second I point this out, I'll get slammed again for pointing out something honestly problematic with that site's administration. It's communism times a thousand!

I can't eat or sleep knowing that they feast on the flesh of all those who disagree with them. Something must be done to stop the oppressors and avenge the oppressed, to restore freedom to that corner of the Internet. If nothing can be done, then I seriously need help to put this nightmare out of my thoughts. Would at least one of you please be my counselor? Thank you very much.

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Post by X-3 » Sun May 05, 2013 6:18 pm

IRHP doesn't actually hate Pokemon.

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Post by VG_Addict » Sun May 05, 2013 6:29 pm

I could go troll that site.

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Post by The Missing Link » Sun May 05, 2013 6:32 pm

You're more than welcome to PM me to discuss anything on your mind. I'll admit that I'm going to be busy over the next... two weeks on account of it being our E3 crunch, but I'll do my best to be prompt in replying.

That said, the history of mankind is literally chock full of people of opinion/persuasion/belief/characteristic A denouncing people of opinion/you-get-the-idea B. There won't be an end to it, and if the current culture of the Internet is an eye upon what dwells in the human heart, it won't be ending any time soon. There are good people out there, but even good people can have stumblings now and again. More importantly, when one lets in people with more than a few scruples into their lives, a good person can easily be turned. (Thankfully, the opposite is true as well.)

My general advice, certainly, is to choose your battles. Some people aren't worth dwelling on our fighting with... especially if it comes at the cost of damaging your self-esteem. Honestly, in my experience, the longer you clench onto them and the feelings they've instilled, the harder it is to turn the corner and put them behind you. You'll never be able to forget, but canceling the debt of what you believe you're owed (and perhaps legitimately owed) and moving on is perhaps the best way to do so.
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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Sun May 05, 2013 9:25 pm

I'll tell you an old trick I learnt many a year ago when I had to deal with some particularly scummy people.

First, rant a little, get it out of your system. Bitch and moan and complain, write it all out, then delete/destroy the whole thing. I know, you're thinking, "What, why would I write something then close the screen without saving it/tear up the paper into teeny tiny pieces?" Because the whole point is to let it go. Purge the bad thoughts onto paper/screen, and release them. They do not serve you any longer. Get rid of them.

Second, forgive the people who wronged you by acknowledging what they did, how big of a jerk you feel they were, and finish by have a laugh. Say out loud, "*Person*, I forgive you for being a total buttface."
"*Person*, I forgive you for having no taste."
"*Person*, I forgive you for mis-attributing my work as the work of the devil."
And so on until you've exhausted all of your hurt.

The thing is, you've already removed yourself from the toxic environment, so now it's up to you to also let go of the lingering issues you feel. Learn something from the whole experience- maybe you could have handled your own reactions better, or maybe you've realised you need to listen better, whatever you take from it should ultimately be a positive for you. That's something you choose to do, so it stops causing you anguish and you can move on with your thoughts to better things.
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Post by RinkuTheFirst » Sun May 05, 2013 9:55 pm

Try not to get too upset about people like that. At the end of the day, they're miserable jerks who have nothing better to do except ***** about things on the internet. It's like the livejournal community "fanficrants." It's nothing but a bunch of cry-baby, whiny ******* complaining about every single thing that isn't exactly what they like and treating others like complete garbage. As a result, that community is pretty much the laughing stock of the fanfiction writing community. Similar thing with Kotaku: they treat anyone who doesn't asskiss like garbage. They're now widely regarded as internet equivalent of a crappy tabloid.

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Post by Deepfake » Sun May 05, 2013 10:36 pm

Colonel KR wrote:I can't eat or sleep knowing that they feast on the flesh of all those who disagree with them. Something must be done to stop the oppressors and avenge the oppressed, to restore freedom to that corner of the Internet. If nothing can be done, then I seriously need help to put this nightmare out of my thoughts. Would at least one of you please be my counselor? Thank you very much.
It's the internet. A group of people didn't like your story about someone else's characters, or that you would write a story about someone else's characters. If you could try not being so over-dramatic, it'd be easier for people to sympathize with your situation and your dreams or at least the sentiment behind that idea.
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Post by b l a n k » Mon May 06, 2013 12:58 am

Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds wrote:I'll tell you an old trick I learnt many a year ago when I had to deal with some particularly scummy people.

First, rant a little, get it out of your system. Bitch and moan and complain, write it all out, then delete/destroy the whole thing. I know, you're thinking, "What, why would I write something then close the screen without saving it/tear up the paper into teeny tiny pieces?" Because the whole point is to let it go. Purge the bad thoughts onto paper/screen, and release them. They do not serve you any longer. Get rid of them.
I just tried that now on a Word document. It worked well. Thanks. I feel a lot better. :)
Sonic 5 wrote:Try not to get too upset about people like that. At the end of the day, they're miserable jerks who have nothing better to do except ***** about things on the internet. It's like the livejournal community "fanficrants." It's nothing but a bunch of cry-baby, whiny ******* complaining about every single thing that isn't exactly what they like and treating others like complete garbage. As a result, that community is pretty much the laughing stock of the fanfiction writing community. Similar thing with Kotaku: they treat anyone who doesn't asskiss like garbage. They're now widely regarded as internet equivalent of a crappy tabloid.
Well, let's just laugh at them.
Tunnel Snakes RULE! wrote:It's the internet. A group of people didn't like your story about someone else's characters, or that you would write a story about someone else's characters. If you could try not being so over-dramatic, it'd be easier for people to sympathize with your situation and your dreams or at least the sentiment behind that idea.
Sorry if I sounded sappy there, dude. Next time, I'll watch for when I sound too dramatic. Actually, it's funny; everybody says I should be an actor because of how I say stuff and write stuff so dramatically without thinking, and yet, I try to avoid becoming an actor at every turn. This kind of reminds me of that movie Unbreakable.

So anyway, thanks guys for all your help. :) I think now, I'll just hold on to the truth I know about these meanies, and, to paraphrase JC, the truth will set me free.

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Post by Heroine of the Dragon » Mon May 06, 2013 1:59 am

Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds wrote: Second, forgive the people who wronged you by acknowledging what they did, how big of a jerk you feel they were, and finish by have a laugh. Say out loud, "*Person*, I forgive you for being a total buttface."
"*Person*, I forgive you for having no taste."
"*Person*, I forgive you for mis-attributing my work as the work of the devil."
And so on until you've exhausted all of your hurt.

*grins* I remember that and the ensuring car trip... why does it make me giggle so much now? >.>

To just add to all the wonderful advice you've already been given, CKR, it appears that you have empathy... so... forgiveness is an amazing healer. You don't have to forget... but you have the choice not to let it affect you anymore. I believe that forgiveness is better for 'us/ourself', since you don't even need to tell them that they're forgiven. You tell yourself that you forgive them... just like SD explained in the quote. ;) To truly forgive, is to let go of the hurt and anger and free you from the torment of resentment.

I'd like to leave you with a quote... "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - Mahatma Ghandi.

I hope you find peace... *gives you a grinnie* :D
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Post by Kil'jaeden » Mon May 06, 2013 10:27 am

If you are going to put anything out there for other people to see, be prepared for this. If you dare to have an opinion, or do anything at all, people will gang up on you for it. Forums are especially bad about this, as they typically aim to attract people of a certain opinion, and then ban those who are too loud about differing. Things on the Internet are no more free than anywhere else. As long as there is more than one person, someone will try to shut someone up.

I would tell you, rather than dwelling on anger at them more than you need to, to find a place where your work will get a fairer evaluation. Don't expect it to be good either, just fair. People can at least be civil in their criticism. Maybe you will get something out of it. If not, carry on or give it up. I doubt this is that important, unless you plan on going to Redmond or Kyoto to talk to someone from Nintendo about this.

As my final note, a Mario movie with a "unique approach" has long since been made, and the results were "mixed".
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Post by Random User » Mon May 06, 2013 10:33 am

^Honestly, I feel like this place may be one of the fairest when it comes to criticism with things. Usually, that is.

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Post by smol Kat » Mon May 06, 2013 1:22 pm

Colonel KR wrote:[...]the last guys insulting me constantly and not feeling any guilt for it. They have no manners on that forum. They basically told me my written work is the antichrist, and they insulted me even when I didn't want to talk about my screenwriting, knowing that their rehashing the drama I wanted to leave behind would make me angry.
Mass sociopathy.
Colonel KR wrote:They insisted constantly that they knew what Nintendo would want for a Mario movie in the future based on some ridiculous articles they'd read but refused to show me (I'm starting to doubt those articles' existence). I knew that, at that point, they'd forgotten that Nintendo is a corporation. Corporations must be dynamic and evolving, they must change their policies over time to suit society's ever-changing needs, or else, they die. Who knows what the future will look like? They don't, nor do I, but they certainly think they do. And they certainly demanded that I write what they wanted to read, which goes against every screenwriter's credo: don't write someone else's story.
Mass idiocy.
Colonel KR wrote:I wish I could go back and point out that my archenemy did implicitly say many positive things about himself, even though he claims otherwise (way to play the innocent card). For instance, when I asked him a question about a game's release date, he asked me if I thought he would make a mistake like that. That pretty much screams, "WHO ARE THOU THAT THOU WOULDST DARE QUESTION MY VASTLY SUPERIOR AND INFINITE KNOWLEDGE OF VIDEO GAMES, THOU LESSER BEING!?!?!? :mad: "
Sociopathy + egomania.
Colonel KR wrote:I can't eat or sleep knowing that they feast on the flesh of all those who disagree with them. Something must be done to stop the oppressors and avenge the oppressed, to restore freedom to that corner of the Internet. If nothing can be done, then I seriously need help to put this nightmare out of my thoughts. Would at least one of you please be my counselor? Thank you very much.
You are too LG for the internet. :P

Seriously, you're better off without these losers. And at the end of the day, you're here now with cool people and that old forum is now SEP.
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Post by X-3 » Mon May 06, 2013 4:09 pm

I'm looking at some of these posts you're talking about and I think you need to stop being a drama queen. Yeah, some of the posts are bad but you essentially made things worse, which led to your banning. A moderator even asked you and your "arch-enemy" to cool it.

though maybe I was looking at the wrong forum heh

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Post by b l a n k » Mon May 06, 2013 4:40 pm

nyankat wrote:Seriously, you're better off without these losers. And at the end of the day, you're here now with cool people and that old forum is now SEP.
Well said. Let's just end this thread.

- - - Updated - - -
X-3 wrote:I think you need to stop being a drama queen.
But isn't getting over drama what venting is all about?

Yes, I overreacted to the insults, but they just wouldn't stop. I'm certain was a more civil way to protest their insults, but I do things out of impulse sometimes. We all do. It's what makes us human.

Okay, you're a bit late to post that because I moved on with the other guys' help. You've just described the exact drama I've been hoping to put down. Again, let's just end this thread. Thank you all for helping me see the light, and I wish you all the best.

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