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I hate people.

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:34 pm
Long story short, a family member was supposed to give me what they owe. They've definitely helped me before, but I also helped them...even if they helped me more, I did what I could when help was needed. Now I'm robbed. Plus, I'm mistreated. I just hate people.

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:38 pm
by Tyler
Well, since you made an entire topic about it, I'm assuming this isn't a stick of gum situation. I'd just keep on trying to get it back.

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 9:44 pm
by Marilink
"Hating" a member of your own family is an extremely strong thing to say, IRHP. Maybe take a step back from emotion really quick and really analyze the situation from all sides--what is that person going through that caused them to fall out on their promise? Maybe you could forgive them instead of hating them.

You didn't give much context, but I feel like I'd have given this advice regardless.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:38 am
by Deepfake
I disagree. He's insulted the honor of the Family. It's time we teach this no good bum a lesson.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:50 am
^^^ Well, it's not like it's a dispute over millions in inheritance either, but it is a relatively significant matter. Also, I won't beg and dog someone over what is mine. I'd rather just let them wrong me, I won't get anywhere trying to argue, I know that.

^^ The mistreatment is enough for me to hate at this point but I can probably lower it as far as "strongly dislike." Thanks for the advice, though.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 1:07 pm
by ThatDude100
There's nothing wrong with feeling like you got screwed, but, you have to look at it from their point and ask yourself if they did it to be an ass, or if things were just crappy. It's not so much willing to help someone, the true worth of a man isn't measured by what he does for himself, but what he does for another without concern for own reward. Theres' nothing wrong with wanting a reward for it, but, what's more important; knowing you did something that made someone else's life easier for nothing and you get to know you can do good, or knowing you made someone elses life easier, and you get rewarded for it? I don't know the whole story, but, personally, i'd rather know I can do something good for someone and get nothing for it than do something good for someone and get something in return.

If you were flat out lied to, you have a good reason to be upset, but, if things were just bad for them, take pride in knowing you could help them, even if you think they've helped you more. It doesn't matter the greatness of how much someone has helped you, the ability to help in itself is something great. Even if it's something as small as they always take your trash out for you, but you would do nothing to help them. I'm not saying this is true, i'm just saying to think of it at that point.