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Teachers who think you have no life outside of their class.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:30 pm
by RinkuTheFirst
I have a professor who, as I've seen and heard, pretty much designs his labs in such a way that they absolutely cannot be completed in the allotted time. He does this to force people to come back at a later time. I literally have no free time during the hours that the lab would be open for such purposes.

He's also one of those "I won't put the PowerPoint online until I finish it because I don't want people to just print it out and not come to class." Well, gee, thanks for screwing me over by forcing me to scramble to write down everything on the PowerPoint (which he demands we do) while you talk the whole time and I can't focus on anything. You're hurting the students who actually care about the class. Screw the people who don't want to come to class.

He's ALSO one of those types of professors who leisurely strolls through most of the material, but then blazes through the last little bit of it without really giving you any time to come ask for help, right before the exam.

All of this is a real shame too, because he's very knowledgeable and is fairly pleasant (doesn't scream or drone on) in his teachings. Some of his methods are just... awful.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:05 pm
by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds
Have you considered stopping by after class and mentioning that you like the material and like his teaching, but are struggling from the way in which he's presenting it? I mean, there's every possibility he doesn't know how challenging it is to keep up with and he thinks he's doing the best he can to combat other problems.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:37 pm
by RinkuTheFirst
I've considered it, but I'll admit my pride has kept me from going, just a bit. It's mostly that I am almost never free during his office hours. I think I'll try to speak to him soon.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:00 pm
by Marilink
If you haven't already, try developing a system of shorthand and abbreviations as you take notes so you can focus on what he's saying and the material in the powerpoint. An efficient note-taking system is a really good way to get more out of a class.

Also, maybe abbreviate the notes in class and then fill the gaps with the online powerpoint afterward.

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:58 pm
by RinkuTheFirst
See, the thing is that he will test us on the powerpoint material before he puts it online. I already do a bit of shorthand.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:51 am
by Sim Kid
Sonic 5 wrote:See, the thing is that he will test us on the powerpoint material before he puts it online. I already do a bit of shorthand.
And lemme guess, he asks why people aren't getting some of the material right, forgetting that the class does not have psychic abilities and can't divine that it's up?