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My gf is moving far away.
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:51 am
by Bad Dragonite
Okay, so a few months ago me and this girl I liked for the longest time FINALLY got together, and honestly I think we're doing pretty decently. She lives like an hour or two away, we met on some random game sight by freaking miraculous happenstance, and found out we don't live terribly far apart (In fact she lives in a town I was visiting everyday for a whole school semester while I lived right next to it) that said, I think I've kinda taken this for granted now that I've found out that she's moving with her mom to North Carolina. Not nearly as far away as my previous relationship (of course we see how that worked out >.>) or as far as other relationships have been here on vigif. I think we can work through it pretty well once it happens (hopefully) since we've pretty much been in a "long distance" relationship anyway. I would though like to take this opportunity to ask for any advice anyone here may have when it comes to long distant relationships.
So, any advice you'd like to share? It would be much appreciated. Thanks for your time in advance. :)
Also, I suppose if anyone has a question or is looking for advice and doesn't feel like making a whole topic, then feel free to ask it here. I don't mind.
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:13 am
by Marilink
I know that feel, bro. /brofist
I have three pieces of advice that got me and my girlfriend through our two-year-long, Minnesota-to-Michigan relationship:
1. Find a time at night where you can call/skype each other, and keep that on a regular schedule. If not every night, talk every other night. Talk about your day and what happened and random stuff. Try to avoid conversations about how much you miss each other, though--those tend to go nowhere. :P
2. Write each other letters and notes! For some reason, writing letters and getting mail feels really good for long-distance. It's hard to explain why, but it totally does.
3. You will have to make sacrifices, and you have to be okay with that. You're going to have to drive longer than you'll like to visit her. You're going to have to stay up late sometimes to get to talk to her. You're going to have to keep living life normally without seeing her. But the thing is, she's going to have to do all of these things, too. Use the sacrifices you make for long-distance to make the two of you closer as a couple.
I hope this helps, and I wish you two all the best!
Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:09 pm
by Nomyt
As a fellow member who is also in a long distance relationship (Cambridge UK/Landen, Belgium). We found a random site which has helped give us ideas. Hope it helps you.
Although we've been doing Skype calls every other night, letters once a month, multiplayer on assassin's creed, etc.
Hope everything goes well for you, and as this site has proved and shown, distance doesn't matter.
Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 2:05 am
by United Nations
Yeah, I know how this is.
My boyfriend lives an hour and half away during the school year and I just went to Korea for six months.
Everything we do has already been said. Skype is your best friend! Phonecalls are nice. Texts about random silly things during your day are fun to receive. Letters and packages are a sweet surprise. Playing video games via distance is fun as well.
Honestly, distance is a true test for a relationship and whether or not it's worth it to keep it. It sounds like you'll be fine. You both have to be invested and if you can make it through distance, I think you can make it through anything. :) Good luck!!