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Upset about stuff from yesterday

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:28 pm
by Sim Kid
Well I didn't want to say anything now because I didn't get a chance to come on until late and I was tired and wanted to go to bed. :S

So anyways, my friends have this big fallout online and don't tell me about it, so essentially I'm left in the dark and I hate that.

But it gets worse. My sister calls crying because she had fallen down in the backyard on the concrete stairs. Keep in mind she has O.I. so she most likely broke her tailbone. We had to take her to the E.R. because she's still in pain like everybody would be.

I wait in the E.R. waiting room and during this:

-Somebody projectile vomits at me. They thankfully miss and don't vomit all over my feet.
-Unfortunately, there's a baby behind me...and then Lil Linda Blair spits up on my shirt.
-I can't wash my shirt, or go to the bathroom because someone takes a huge dump all over them both and the janitors have to close them. :S
-I hadn't eaten anything except a bag of Chex just about all day so of course I'm starving and wavering between "Uggggh I'm hungry" and "I'm gonna hurl." The hospital cafeteria closed.

Then finally she comes out. And it turns out, it looks like she broke her hip instead! So now I'm worried about her even more because that's a terrible thing to break. :/

Then I'm mowing the lawn....and the lawnmower breaks. ARRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!