Things That Rule

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Things That Rule


Post by Heroine of the Dragon » Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:18 am

List five things that Rule in your life right now!!!!

1. Being a faerie
2. Having an awesome partner and family
3. Waking up every day
4. Fish, shrimpies, cats and any other pets we may or may not get soon
5. Fairy Lights, wands and sugary delights :D
She lives in the clouds and talks to the birds...

Happiest faerie of VGF.

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Post by DarkZero » Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:14 pm

1. That I have a house I live in for free.
2. Having the money to buy a 3DS but not using it to buy a 3DS.
3. VGF hasn't fallen into a hole in the earth yet.
4. The lock on the bathroom door.
5. This tea tastes like liquid godliness.
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Post by Jenocide » Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:29 pm

Off the top of my head...
1. Having people that love/accept me for who I am :)
2. Being able to live comfortably with basic needs covered
3. Having my own bathroom <3<3
4. So much fresh fruit in this house right now! It's so weird. (Tazy, help me eat some before it goes bad~!)
5. Hummus

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Post by United Nations » Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:02 am

1. 2 AM, two hour phone calls every night.
2. Two paychecks. :)
3. Two gift cards to Cold Stone and iTunes!
4. Two accepting parents who let me live here for free.
5. Two trips this summer to Arizona and DC. Yay!

Who says good things come in threes? :p

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Post by Galefore » Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:25 am

1: Steady involvement in musical projects that I actually enjoy being a part of. Most of all, having my songs find homes in various places within said projects after years of looking for somewhere to host them. Being able to influence people and give a positive example is a plus as well. Also, I just love to play the drums like a wild elephant having a seizure on top of a pile of tigers.

2: New friends of all kinds. Certainly a step up from "I HAVE ABOUT 3 FRIENDS, THEY ARE ALL NEUROTIC AND WE HAVE A RELATIONSHIP THAT INVOLVES IGNORING ONE ANOTHER FOR MONTHS AS A JOKE (don't ask)", which about sums up my high school life and why I have washed my hands of those peeps for the most part.

3: College not sucking my eyeballs out through my nostrils as I assumed it would. It's actually been pretty damn chill, and I love my classes.

4: Finding a great apartment for a super-affordable rate that will reduce my overall living expense exponentially and get my away from home for the first time in my life. Just gotta find employment to pay for it. Also, my roommates are all awesome and that's a plus.

5: My dog, Boomer, who is still the greatest living animal of all. No arguments. :mad:

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:21 pm

My turn!

1. My boyfriend and family
2. My new job - it's coming with a plush new apartment, and a higher salary
3. Graduating!
4. Bagels. Yum!
5. The prospect of, after I'm finished with school, reading all my leisure books! :D

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:35 pm

1. Spring Break
2. large amounts of Sam & Dean Winchester
3. hopefully Matt & Kim/The Thermals/The Hood Internet on June 24th
4. hopefully Bright Eyes/The Mountain Goats on August 3rd
5. the ability to sleep in for a week
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by Crazyswordsman » Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:46 pm

1. My family and friends, and anyone else who respects me for who I am
2. My job (even though we're going through hard times)
3. Syracuse winning a national championship in something
4. Mario Batali recipes that don't include lardo
5. The KNICKS in the playoffs, and with a winning record


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Post by LOOT » Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:57 pm

As of right now? Hmmm

1. I've taken up flossing again. My mouth already feels better.
2. I've got some financial aid hopefully coming in soon.
3. I'm going to do some house sitting next week, which pretty much boils down to playing 360, WoW, and Wii while having HD channels.
4. I'm staying (somewhat) in shape.
5. This is going to be one kickass summer.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have nuns to save from flaming buses.

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