According to an email circulated through the Fraternity Kappa Sigma at USC, women are merely 'targets' of sexual conquest, and 'not real people, like men.'
The email refers to the men as "cocksmen" whose only goal is to find 'targets' (women) from their pie (vagina) and gullet (mouth).
Among the gems of the email includes this little ditty:
Nevermind that a person who is intoxicated cannot legally consent to having sex. And if you have sex with a person who is intoxicated, and past the point of being able to give true consent, that is rape. Particularly if you personally ensure that the person you are having sex with is intoxicated past the point of being able to legally give consent. Oh, but don't worry, they have that covered too!Loop n' Doop: A target that is very easy to take down. All she takes is a good amount of liquor (loop) and she will be good to go for you to **** her (doop). Be careful with loop n' doops, because too much loop and they will get sick and be useless entities.
Yup. You heard it here first! Non-consent and rape are two different things. Never mind the fact that if the person you wish to sleep with does not consent, and you sleep with them anyway, THAT IS RAPE.Non-consent and rape are two different things. There is a fine line, so make sure not to cross it.
The full letter, in all of it's glorious misogyny and racism can be read here:
Jezebel: Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women. Without Airbrushing.
...I feel ill. And like crying. Seriously, how is it that there are actually people like this who exist??