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Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:52 pm
by Valigarmander
I've more or less overcome my arachnophobia, so it's not that.

It's the fact that those eight-legged jerks always seem to have to build single strands of web stretched invisibly over sidewalks, and always precisely at face level.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:03 pm
by Ace Mercury
Yeah, and when you flail around trying to get it off your face, you look like you're crazy.

Otherwise, I appreciate the eating other bugs part. That's awesome.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:21 pm
by Apiary Tazy
I kind of feel bad when I kill one sometimes.

It's their fault for crawling on my floor. :crazy:

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:28 pm
by glux
Eh, only giant spiders scare me anymore.

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 9:22 pm
by Zaden