What did I tell you about buying stuff marked "open"?

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Sim Kid
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What did I tell you about buying stuff marked "open"?


Post by Sim Kid » Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:46 pm

So we got a new TV and then moved the old one into the living room. Day two, the junction box we bought in 2006 breaks and doesn't work anymore. So we have to get a new one.

So at best buy, we find a newer junction box.

Me: "Okay, looks like that's what we need."
Dad: "Looks like it." *picks up the one marked "open"*
Me: "...Dad? That's marked open."
Dad: "So? It's cheaper."
Me: "Dad? Remember time you bought a keyboard that was marked 'open' but didn't work and had a missing alt key? Sometimes those things are marked open because they're returns."
Dad: "So? It's cheaper."
Me: "I hope this works, then"

So about 30 minutes later we get home and hook it up. Note that this thing does not have a manual of any kind. Three guesses on what happened - and the first two don't count.

If you guessed, "The Junction box didn't work", then you earn a cookie.

Dad: Ugh. I'll go to Radio shack then.
Me: Return it, then - you can still get a new one.
Dad: No, I'll go to radio shack.
Me: ...and leave us with a defective junction box? wtf?

I think he's going to return it, though. It's not like this is Black Friday.

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