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Karma is a....

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:42 pm
by Rubber Band Man
On her period.

To elaborate:

I started working at a take-and-bake pizza chain in August, the owner of the place hired me the day after we interviewed. When we first opened, we had a staff of about 14 people, after some people coming in and out due to various reasons, it became pretty apparent who should be the managers. My current manager (who this is about, we'll call him Dude), myself, one of the older workers in the store (we'll call him Guy), and my friend, who filled out an app the same day I did. Well, based on our availability, it was pretty evident that me and my friend did not have the time to become full-time workers at the store, the owner knew this, talked to us about it, and we all agreed it was best not to. Dude, who started working a week after us, was really on top of things on his arrival, when business was slow (new concept around town, but the franchise is 20+ yrs old) he would stand out on the corner and bring in customers with samples and coupons, he really held his own.

So, the owner puts Dude and Guy in charge of the store (Dude - Main manager, Guy - Morning shift), as he has other business to handle (has his own company with his wife, and is working on putting his daughter through college, along with making some moves to get some more stores up in the city). All the sudden, Dude does a complete 180 and starts becoming really shady and starts cutting myself and most of my friend's hours short (two of us applied together, the other two happened to be working there as well).

Our job runs like this for the closing shift: People order, we make their order, wrap it up and give it to them. People call in, someone has to take calls, when we're really busy, we need at LEAST 3 people to run things smoothly, and even then it can get hectic (5 is ideal). There will be days where we're crowded, dude is back on the computer, and me and my friend are running the store, TWO PEOPLE, and doing a damn good job (Franchise ideal waiting time for one customer is 6 minutes, we got them out in less than 5). And every week, I would look up and see our hours cut down. It was pretty obvious to everyone how valuable we were, but he was constantly bsing us. In fact, a survey that showed production numbers showed that during the 4-week period of mid-Dec to Mid-Jan when myself and my friend were not on schedule, production on the night shift dropped 65%, you read that correct. Upon our return, the production increased, guess how much.

Yet this whole time, I see less and less hours (my average amount of hours per week tends to be in the area of 10, sometimes I'll record 4.5), and hardly, if ever, receive a damned thank you.

During this time period, Dude hires several people, all of which end up making more money than me (wage wise), get more hours than me, and get more permission than me (I was only taught how to do morning-shift recently....I've been around since the store opened). He also makes one kid a manager who complains about everything and is as contradictory/lazy as they come (I worked a 10-7 shift one day, and did dishes from 3 PM until he came in from 5-8, we were dead slow, and rather than letting me leave like he usually lets others, he tells me he wants me to finish the dishes, as he sits down and eats a pizza.....).

Fast forward to today, after putting all his eggs in (3) baskets, Dude looks foolish because Guy came in and put in a two-weeks notice, and the younger manager (the one above) got a second job, which he'll likely become full-time at. One of our co-workers is going to Europe this summer, then college at UA, so she'll leave soon. One of our friends who had to leave because of school, recently came back, but now you're looking at a staff of 7 people.

Oh yeah, and with a new store opening in a few weeks that Dude is supposed to run. He has no managers left, because two people are leaving, and the people who have been workin the hardest (including a morning-shift guy who has slaved his ass off) have received very little, but have stayed on board because we like the owner so much.

Now Dude is forced to work with us or promote one of us, and at the time that he needs me most.

I'll be in Boston. :p

and that's not even half the story.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:10 am
by Deepfake
Nice. SD and I are in an amusing situation at work, as well. Essentially the site we work at, aka the customer, has decided to make unreasonable demands that the supervisor be onsite in the evening as well as the morning, and the supervisor pay doesn't even cover 2 trips back and forth worth of fuel. That's us, and we said no. So they're looking for a replacement. They won't get one any time soon, because the market's ****. In the meantime, since they've decided to shaft us, any time they ask for anything beyond our usual work is getting a no. Kind of stupid to expect me to keep doing your bitch work when you've pretty much told me you're unimpressed, eh? So the quality of work is going to drop, severely - we do a hell of a lot there, and we would normally do it well. Our incentive just went out the window, and we're not going to give a **** since we know they can't replace us, anyway. Go figure.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:48 pm
by Rubber Band Man
Isn't it wonderful being irreplaceable? No beyonce.