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What are your favourite movies with Harrison Ford in them?
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 7:05 am
by Heroine of the Dragon
Which of his movies did you not enjoy watching?
Re: What are your favourite movies with Harrison Ford in them?
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:51 pm
by Deku Tree
Pretty easily, the OT Star Wars are my favorites. Really like Blade Runner 2049 too, but his performance isn't as important to why that movie is good as it is to Star Wars.
Air Force One is fun. I like Indiana Jones movies well enough except for Crystal Skull. Crystal Skull is my least favorite thing I've seen him in.
I should really watch The Fugitive and the original Blade Runner.
Re: What are your favourite movies with Harrison Ford in them?
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2022 2:22 am
by CaptHayfever
Favorite to least favorite, broken into groups of great, okay, & bad:
A New Hope
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Empire Strikes Back
The Last Crusade
Return of the Jedi
The Age of Adeline
American Graffiti
The Force Awakens
Anchorman 2
Temple of Doom
Air Force One
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Working Girl
And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"
Re: What are your favourite movies with Harrison Ford in them?
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 4:38 pm
by Gametrek
Harrison Ford signature films was playing "The President" back in the 1990's. I really enjoyed those kind of action movies where prez "HF" would be like super-spy and near the end take-off in a harrier with tons of meh gun-play. I was a child and young adult and could careless about him. I think his greatest role would be "BladeRunner". Nothing else cemented Fords image into your mind about being anything important.
Starwars his character was used for the Bounty Hunters that never cover their face. Like in the N64 games but that was the problem. They did not really use him and his "Space Cowboy" bleh character got blended into post-StarTrek ( when the crew goes rouge ). mentality. Only thing in Starwars he will be remember for is being Leia cod-piece and why he was not the star of "Space Balls" because Harrison-Ford in a national-lampoons ( was a thing like Mad magazine / tv ) movie would have been funny as crazy. "Space Balls" is what Ford character should have been. Just forget about Sky-walker and focus on the intergalactic trader mercenary.
With Fords character "Han" they could have done more with Bobe Fett spin-offs.
Re: What are your favourite movies with Harrison Ford in them?
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:37 pm
Harrison Ford was in some good movies and some bad ones. The Fugitive is the best Ford film, but Bladerunner is good too. Air Force one is up there for sure.
Middle of the pack would be Idiana Jones trilogy, then Star Wars (not sequels).
I don't remember him being in Anchorman 2 but that was decent, though not nearly as good as the first one. Looking at his filmography there's a few others I'd probably like, legal dramas and noir stuff.