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R2D2 Tamagotchi

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:03 am
by Heroine of the Dragon
Did you ever have a Tamagotchi?
What happened to it?

Now with an R2D2 Tamagotchi, you too, can...clean up after R2D2...? :p
R2-D2 went with Luke Skywalker from Tatooine to the Death Star and beyond. Now, he’s going everywhere with you.

Tamagotchi, the classic interactive virtual pet, will soon release its first-ever Star Wars device celebrating the galaxy’s greatest astromech. The Star Wars R2-D2 Tamagotchi arrives November 11, and it’s up to fans to train, clean, and take care of the famous droid.
- ... tamagotchi


Re: R2D2 Tamagotchi

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 11:15 pm
That looks kinda neat. I checked, and although this is the first Tamagotchi version of R2D2, apparently there was a Giga Pet version before. I think I remember it, I might've even had it actually.

I don't know if I ever had a Tamagotchi, I probably had a Giga Pet but it's been too long to really be sure. I remember during the virtual pet craze there were all sorts of knockoffs, and also copycats featuring licensed properties. Some were cool, others a bit weird; I remember there being a WWF one where you raised a wrestler. Digimon were probably some of the cooler ones, but I didn't have them.

I don't know what happened to the ones I had, but I know I was neglecting them and they were constantly surrounded by s*** and dying when I had them. I didn't take care of the little guys too well.