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Best RPGs ever made?

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 6:43 pm
by A Genius
It's always necessary to post topics like this every month or so. Anyway...

I'm still leaning towardes Phantasy Star 1. I still don't have the fourth one (What the Hell is wrong with me and buying new systems, anyway?), but I might get it for my birthday, which'd be cool. Paper Mario comes in second, and Chrono Trigger is third.

-A Genius (One! Two! Screw you!)

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 12:38 am
by A Genius
^It's true. Do you think I kept my copies of the Golden Sun games? They're not too good until you salt them, though.

Oh, and Douglas, Rattan has a point. Try not to use the same joke names for games over and over. Calling bad Final Fantasy/Phantasy Star games "Ectasy" is only funny the first time.
And Carter, don't be a jerk.

-A Genius (I'd recommend using them in the Reviews forum, where they're quite welcome.)

[ December 11, 2003, 10:40 PM: Message edited by: A Genius is stoopit ]