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Lets pretend you were a MAIN CHARACTER. With spikey hair. And stupid clothes.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 9:06 am
by give me food
Ok, maybe we all can't be KRONOW.

Buuut.. LET'S PRETEND YOU WERE A MAIN CHARACTER!! Yep.. The cream of the crop.. Wow, if it werent for you , this whole "world crisis" stuff could've never happened! SO in a waaay.. Its all your fault. Yeeep. But if someone is ABLE to zap you out of existance then its most likely that the end of the world would've happened anyways. So what am I getting at!?

Weell.. let's see. take the frickin' poll you lazyass o_o

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 9:08 am
by give me food
gasp o_o question 2 was cut off!! BASTARDS!!

QUESTION TWO: Wooould you leap merrily onto the "I HAVE A BIG SWORD O_X;" wagon!?

... Durr, READ o_o

.. And the second to last option in the last question is like.. Dead.. XD durr, I didnt preview the poll. But.. uh.. CHOOSE IT EVEN THOUGH YOU DONT HAVE A DAMN IDEA WHAT IT IS

[ October 16, 2003, 08:09 AM: Message edited by: Roguish Nyo ]