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top 10 favorite rpgs

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 2:10 am
by Omni_Link
so what is yours? simple and easy to answere

here is mine

10.golden sun or ff5
9. ff4
8.secret of mana
7.secret of mana2
5.chrono trigger
3. ff9, ff10 or ff7
2. ff9, ff10 or ff7
1. ff9, ff10 or ff7

i have not played many rpgs side from squares. do any of ya have any suggestions for rpgs for me to play?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 2:36 am
by Omni_Link
ct just a space filler?....... [img]graemlins/omg.gif[/img]

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 3:47 am
by Omni_Link
and why not ff7 ff9 and ff10 be at my top 3? i do not care what any one says. square is alot more conssistant at makking good rpgs then any other. and what should my choices concern you? i do not care what others think. it the fun factor that matters to me. NOT other peoples opinion. so i do not need to come up with some arguement. this is not a flamming topic. all i'm saying is that to say ct is just a slot filler is just...dam...pure and simple

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 9:47 pm
by AJ Middleton
1. Chrono Trigger
1. Chrono Cross
3. Skies of Arcadia Legends
4. The Ocarina of Time
5. Final Fantasy VII
6. Final Fantasy III
7. Final Fantasy II
8. Majora's Mask
9. Final Fantasy V
10. Lufia 2