ROGot_: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

A Genius
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ROGot_: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance


Post by A Genius » Sun Dec 21, 2003 12:07 pm

While it doesn't take a private investegator to figure out whether this is better or worse than the original, FFTA is still a good game on occasion. My big gripe is the tedious battles. They're hardly ever difficult, but they almost always last a long time. Other than that, though, this is an all around good game. It has classes, weapons, all that good crap.

-A Genius (The Judge system needed improvement. They should've at least got rid of the law cards. When you get really good law cards, the difficulty of the game, never too solid in any case, just dies.)

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Canas the Shaman
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Post by Canas the Shaman » Sun Dec 28, 2003 10:20 pm

i have the is very fun......crap i lost........ :mad:
