by Rattan » Tue May 11, 2004 10:03 pm
Square Enix has a few surprises in store for those attending E3, no doubt. One of those surprises revealed itself today in the form of a rolling trailer in their still under-construction E3 display. The trailer features Samurai Legend Musashi, a PlayStation 2 sequel to the quirky PlayStation action-RPG Brave Fencer Musashi.
Samurai Legend Musashi features a redesigned hero with baggy pants, a tight tank top, twin swords, and an even bigger hair style than the original. The rest of the game's visuals, obviously, are a big improvement over its Playstation incarnation, with sharply outlined toon-shaded graphics which accentuate the character designs, and environments far larger than in Brave Fencer Musashi. Also shown, are some battles which show off some cool animations, like an enemy suddenly transmuting to burning ash, which blows away leaving his skeleton behind.
While not officially named as the artist for Samurai Legend Musashi, Tetsuya Nomura's stamp is all over both the heroes and monsters. Square Enix is planning on holding a press conference later on tonight, so look forward to more details soon.
\"You two...don\'t know me very well. Jiraiya the man...is better at winning a girl than being seduced by one. I wouldn\'t let a woman seduce me with her beauty. When you become great like me women will go crazy over your own beauty!\" -